One of the distinguished features of my bskool is the emphasis (or over emphasis) on the holistic perspective of absolutely everything in life. Sometimes I get the feeling they are trying to make some super humans from us. I am being frank here, given a choice I would never have taken up something like vipassana or art of living...butas things are....I was not given a choice :-)
vipassana for me was a total no-no...10 days of silence...u must be kidding me.....but this art of living comes with a different flavour all together. To begin with....the "teacher" seems to be from a different breed altogether....the issue is that I have to get up at 4:30 in the morning. While all of us reach the meditation hall half asleep and rubbing our walks our "teacher"..... All dressed up with a beautiful smile on her face wishing us all good morning. You cant help but admire the dedication...
The one thing that I am beginning to learn from the vipassana experience and the first 3 days of art of living is that if i have to do something...since I do not have an option....I'd rather try and do it seriously...It is very easy to be crib and pull the shutters down but I have decided to treat this course on its merit....lets see how it goes.