If you did not notice the title of the post ...its called "Motivation Clothes". I caught the term from the writings of a fellow blogger.They are the clothes which u buy even when you know that they won`t fit you..hoping that they would be motivation for you to shed the spare tyre and fit into them.
While I was reading ...I realised I have never had em...the reason I can immediately sight is that I have never been fat...always been on the slimmer side...and yeah,more importantly,fit.This is not to say that all people who have em are fat but prolly that they have had a desire to get slimmer.
I never had that till recently,I actually always wanted to get a lil bit fatter,but for the last one and a half month,since I resigned, I have become fatter and gained some kilos also.I know that the reserves are gonna get depleted once I land in Pune so in a sense its good.Its gonna be hectic schedules,missed food breaks and table tennis.
I guess I dont need motivation clothes...most of my clothes fit me ok and they prolly will even if I loose a few kilos.....not that I have enuf money to waste anyway :-)