Ceci est ma Vie


Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Motivation Clothes !!!

If you did not notice the title of the post ...its called "Motivation Clothes". I caught the term from the writings of a fellow blogger.They are the clothes which u buy even when you know that they won`t fit you..hoping that they would be motivation for you to shed the spare tyre and fit into them.

While I was reading ...I realised I have never had em...the reason I can immediately sight is that I have never been fat...always been on the slimmer side...and yeah,more importantly,fit.This is not to say that all people who have em are fat but prolly that they have had a desire to get slimmer.

I never had that till recently,I actually always wanted to get a lil bit fatter,but for the last one and a half month,since I resigned, I have become fatter and gained some kilos also.I know that the reserves are gonna get depleted once I land in Pune so in a sense its good.Its gonna be hectic schedules,missed food breaks and table tennis.

I guess I dont need motivation clothes...most of my clothes fit me ok and they prolly will even if I loose a few kilos.....not that I have enuf money to waste anyway :-)
|| Anish, 5:42 PM


know wht? its only when u have the cash and no motivation, that u end up buying it...its a pretty lucky thing if ur thin all the time....esp if ur a girl...but then ,u arent..but even then u can be plump and fit while u could be thin and in bad health...whtever..i think i'm losing thot here...
Blogger meera, at 4:33 PM  
Hi Anish,

I think I was not clear in my post on motivation clothes. All motivation clothes are not small sized ones, bought by fat people wanting to be slim. Some can just be different, so different from what you wear normally, that it's a challenge for you to wear them and pull them off with style.

Pls do not misrepresent my concept of motivation clothes by saying that they are only for overweight people. Motivation clothes are for everybody :)

Blogger Sayesha, at 8:09 PM  
Hey Thermo here !..
anish cmon lets see how much u maintain that fitness at scmhrd now..
well u can go fro tighter tracks if u wish to motivate ur self more..and i guess u get a lot of hunks to do ur gyming along...
tata..good logic in ur post
Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:12 PM  
@sayesha....aye aye...point noted.
Blogger Anish, at 10:48 AM  

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